Friday 3 July 2009

Interview well: Dress in a suitable and professional manner

Being able to Interview well is an invaluable skill. The initial opinion formed by the Interviewer can be crucial to your Interview success, that is why your Interview attire can be considered a highly important Interview technique.

You need to ensure that you are dressed in an appropriate manner and a way that conveys the message that you are a professional and successful individual. This is an important segment in your ability to Interview well.

When applying for the majority of roles (this won’t be appropriate for every job Interview) make sure you stick to the following Interview attire:

Wear solid, conservative colours.
Wear a neat, tailored suit or dress.
Go easy on jewellery.
Women - go light on makeup, perfume and hairspray.
Men - go light on cologne, and after-shave.
Overdress rather than under dress. Be neatly groomed
Wear a smile!

If you are in appropriate Interview attire, the Interviewer will pick up the message, that you are professional, you are interested in the position as you have dressed appropriately and that you take a general pride in your appearance and more than likely will do with your work.

If you fail to dress in an appropriate manner I’m sure you can guess that the conclusions drawn by the interviewer will probably be quite the opposite to what’s above. I hope this demonstrates how important wearing the correct Interview attire is and that in future when you use this check list your Interview will go well and your Interview success as whole will increase.

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